Denial Management

Denial of claims, while individually not a big issue, when combined with other denials, causes significant monetary losses for healthcare organizations. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can help in this regard.

How we can help you?

By studying the patterns of denied claims, we can help you identify the root cause of claims being denied. In addition, by forming groups of different denial root causes, we can help rank the group for ease of reworking the claims. In addition, by adopting our system, you end up reducing manpower, thereby leaving you resources that can be used for other developmental activities. Most importantly, the knowledge of root causes of denials will help you identify which claims have a higher chance of denial even before they are formally claimed.


Available Manpower
Identification of potential denial cases prior to claim submission.
Ranking of claim denial groups in order of priority and ease of rework.
Identification of root causes of denials.

Our Location

Unit # 128, Salt Lake, ElectronicsComplex, Kolkata, West Bengal 700091

Call Us Now

+91 (33) 2357-5777

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