TravMeds 2.0

Last Updated 25 September, 2023

At TravMeds 2.0, we hold a steadfast commitment to safeguarding the privacy and data protection rights of our valued users. This Data Deletion Policy articulates our precise procedures and protocols pertaining to the collection, retention, and elimination of user data. We approach data

management with the utmost seriousness, steadfastly adhering to stringent measures to honor your preferences and ensure full compliance with applicable data protection statutes, encompassing, but not limited to, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Data Acquistion

TravMeds 2.0 is tasked with the collection of specific user data to establish and facilitate user accounts and deliver indispensable services. The data encompassed within this ambit comprises:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Residential address
  • Current geographic location
  • Countries to visit information

It is obligatory for users to furnish their residential address to ascertain their home country and to enable location-based functionalities for the provision of proximity-based search results. Additionally, TravMeds 2.0 offers various login options, including Facebook, Google, Apple login, and email sign-in. Data acquired through these login options is sourced in accordance with the individual platform’s data policies and is subject to deletion when users choose to delete their TravMeds 2.0 account.

User-Initiated Data Deletion

Users retain the prerogative to expunge their data, with the exception of the home address, whilst retaining an active account status. To initiate the removal of their data, users are encouraged to dispatch an email to, incorporating their designated account number. Upon

receipt of such a request, TravMeds 2.0 shall expediently effectuate the erasure of the specified data elements.

Payment Data Management

Payment data, which encompasses sensitive financial information, such as credit card details, is retained solely in instances where users opt for auto-renewal when procuring a subscription plan. This payment data is held securely by our trusted payment processing partner, Stripe, in strict

adherence to their comprehensive data protection protocols.

Deletion of Payment Data Upon Account TerminaƟon

In the event that a user elects to terminate their account with TravMeds 2.0, their payment data will be included in the purview of data deletion measures. We have established robust procedures to ensure the complete removal of all data associated with the user’s account, in compliance with our stringent data deletion protocols.

Data Security Measures

TravMeds 2.0 places a paramount emphasis on data security, underpinned by the implementation of robust safeguards designed to forestall unauthorized access, disclosure, or tampering of user data. We maintain a constant vigil over our security practices, rigorously updating them to ensure the highest echelons of data protection.

Adherence to Data Protection Laws

Our unwavering commitment extends to the unequivocal compliance with all pertinent data protection statutes and regulations. Our data management practices, inclusive of data deletion processes, are meticulously harmonized with the prerequisites stipulated under GDPR and other

applicable legal frameworks.

Contact Information

For any inquiries or requests pertaining to data deletion, we invite you to reach out to us via the following contact details:


Policy Amendments

TravMeds 2.0 reserves the prerogative to effectuate revisions and amendments to this Data Deletion Policy when deemed necessary. Any alterations to this policy will be duly communicated to our user base through our official website or other pertinent channels.

By availing themselves of TravMeds 2.0 services, users manifest their concurrence with the tenets enunciated within this Data Deletion Policy. We encourage users to periodically review this policy to remain apprised of the modalities underpinning the management of their data.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for entrusting TravMeds 2.0 with your data. The preservation of your privacy is of paramount importance to us, and we are unswervingly dedicated to furnishing a secure and dependable environment for all your travel-related requirements

Our Location

Unit # 128, Salt Lake, ElectronicsComplex, Kolkata, West Bengal 700091

Call Us Now

+91 (33) 2357-5777

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